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Freesale (Nr. 55401)

Schmuck, Taschen und Gürtel

Schmuck, Taschen und Gürtel
Subsequent sale
manually Bid accepting
Location: Raum Eching
Subsequent sales
6 Lots
Freesale (Nr. 5661)

BGA eines Modellbaubetriebs

BGA eines Modellbaubetriebs
Subsequent sale
manually Bid accepting
Location: 84323 Massing
Subsequent sales
9 Lots
Freesale (Nr. 5721)

Büroeinrichtung und PC´s

Büroeinrichtung und PC´s
Subsequent sale
manually Bid accepting
Location: Raum Augsburg
Subsequent sales
25 Lots
Freesale (Nr. 5700)

BGA einer Schreinerei für Möbelfertigung

BGA einer Schreinerei für Möbelfertigung
Subsequent sale
manually Bid accepting
Location: 56182 Urbar
Subsequent sales
7 Lots
Freesale (Nr. 5699)

BGA Retourenhandel

BGA Retourenhandel
Subsequent sale
manually Bid accepting
Location: 94569 Stephansposching
Subsequent sales
7 Lots
Freesale (Nr. 55291)

Pressen einer Firma für Aluminium components

Pressen einer Firma für Aluminium components
Subsequent sale
manually Bid accepting
Location: 6270 Tønder
Subsequent sales
2 Lots
Freesale (Nr. 5529)

BGA einer Firma für Aluminium components

BGA einer Firma für Aluminium components
Subsequent sale
manually Bid accepting
Location: 6270 Tønder
Subsequent sales
25 Lots
Freesale (Nr. 4888)

Verwertung Schmuckstücke

Verwertung Schmuckstücke
Subsequent sale
manually Bid accepting
Location: Raum Landshut
Subsequent sales
1 Lots
Freesale (Nr. 5696)

Hundeleinen und Zubehör

Hundeleinen und Zubehör
Subsequent sale
manually Bid accepting
Location: Raum Ingolstadt
Subsequent sales
343 Lots
Freesale (Nr. 5660)

Vitalcenter und "Mya Pro"

Vitalcenter und "Mya Pro"
Subsequent sale
manually Bid accepting
Location: 94569 Stephansposching
Subsequent sales
2 Lots
Freesale (Nr. 5634)

Borco Höhns Verkaufsmobil

Borco Höhns Verkaufsmobil
Subsequent sale
manually Bid accepting
Location: Raum Heimsheim
Subsequent sales
1 Lots
Freesale (Nr. 55831)

Modeschmuck, Herrenuhren, Silberbesteck etc. Willy Bogner

Modeschmuck, Herrenuhren, Silberbesteck etc. Willy Bogner
Subsequent sale
manually Bid accepting
Location: Raum Landshut
Subsequent sales
13 Lots
Freesale (Nr. 56141)

Verwertung Gastronomieausstattung

Verwertung Gastronomieausstattung
Subsequent sale
manually Bid accepting
Location: 84109 Wörth an der Isar
Subsequent sales
2 Lots
Freesale (Nr. 5581)

Absauganlage Riedex mit Brikettpresse - 4-Seiten-Hobelmaschine

Absauganlage Riedex mit Brikettpresse - 4-Seiten-Hobelmaschine
Subsequent sale
manually Bid accepting
Location: Raum Finsterwalde
Subsequent sales
2 Lots

Industrial auctions and online auctions at HÄMMERLE - it’s easy to find the product you need!

With over 10,000 individual lots marketed and auctioned yearly by HÄMMERLE in over 100 auctions, we are the obvious partner at your side when it comes to industrial and online auctions. You, the bidder, profit from the integrity and orderly process of our legally secure online auctions, features that can only be guaranteed by a publicly appointed and sworn in auction house - HÄMMERLE is TÜV certified and offers maximum transparency when it comes to industrial auctions.

In the following, you will find all current industrial auctions from business closures, modernisation efforts, company liquidations and insolvency proceedings. We have restructured our online auctions, a significant update to our website. Now you can find the industrial machinery you require in just a few clicks with our easy to use auction platform. Simply specify your requests using our search function, for example to search for a specific type of machine (“CNC lathe”) or simply browse a particular category.

Tip: All currently scheduled future auctions can be found further down this page in our new auction calendar. Use our Glossary to find answers to your urgent questions regarding participating in industrial and insolvency auctions at HÄMMERLE. After your questions have been answered, you will need to successfully Register in order to take part in our auctions.


We will lead you step by step to the right offer

Industrial and online auctions can, for the most part, be divided into two sectors: live auctions and internet auctions. It doesn’t matter which one you choose - when it comes to industrial auctions, you the bidder have access to one of the largest selections of machines, tools and more.

Industrial auctions can be divided into various special cases. Examples include company auctions, insolvency auctions and partial production dissolutions. The auctions offer a wide range of products, either individually or as a package deal. This means you can immediately assess how much of your needs can be covered by participating in this type of auction.


Your perfect choice for industrial and online auctions

HÄMMERLE regularly holds auctions, not just for machines and systems but for many other items. We are the perfect place to equip your company with used items.

Take a look at the individual categories in order to add trailers to your vehicle fleet, purchase machines for metal work or find suitable construction machinery, compressors and more. Our new auction platform offers you a compact view of all the relevant details. Ordered based on time left in the auction, location and bidding period, you can easily use the auction number to note those auctions that are of interest, and then decide what to do next.

For vendors: are you closing down your business, or going into insolvency? Not a problem! HÄMMERLE will market your business and factory equipment using international industrial and online auctions or in the form of a complete sale. Thanks to our global customer network, we are sure to find the right market for your auction or other type of realisation.


Advantages of industrial auctions and online auctions

There are a great many advantages to participating in industrial and online auctions. One of these is the reduced price when compared to buying new machinery. Not only that, the products are available almost immediately - no need to wait for long delivery times. Industrial and online auctions allow you to react quickly to increases in demand by adding to your existing equipment.

For vendors: In terms of sales, industrial and online auctions offer liquidity, fast. You can then immediately reinvest the profits. Not only that, you have access to an increased pool of potential buyers and therefore an increased willingness to buy.


Additional advantages for bidders

Unlike a live auction, industrial and online auctions offer the option of expanding the ‘virtual’ space at will. Not only that, even large office and company dissolutions do not necessarily need to be staggered. You have more time to search for a suitable product, and you can compare various machines with one another effortlessly. As a bidder, therefore, right from the start, you have all the data you need to assess and sort each offer. Hämmerle is the trustworthy partner at your side, and you enjoy the benefits of a well regulated process.


Industrial auctions and online auctions? HÄMMERLE is the partner for you!

When it comes to industrial auctions and online auctions, HÄMMERLE is the natural choice. Get in touch with our expert auction house employees to find out more! We are at your side to provide help and advice, and will guide you through the entire process.

HÄMMERLE is YOUR competent partner for industrial and online auctions. See for yourself!