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We prepare appraisals of machines, technical equipment and operating assets - in all Industry sectors: HÄMMERLE


In order to be able to utilize machines, technical systems, goods or entire companies, a reliable evaluation of the business assets is required in advance. Complex tasks like these should be done by an expert.

HÄMMERLE is one of the leading valuation specialists in the German-speaking area and offers you exactly the know-how that is needed for specific sectors. When it comes to evaluating the investment and current assets of your business, we are the right contact person.

We see it as our task to relieve you as a restructuring consultant, insolvency administrator, leasing company or company and to provide you with the information you need. In order to optimize the sector-specific approach, our expert reports are prepared by various experts.

Thanks to our extensive know-how, we are always in a position to create reliable foundations for credit decisions and continuation concepts. Our assessment also includes tailor-made concepts for the marketing of goods and machinery or entire plants.



Why a Appraisal by HÄMMERLE?

Guarantees created by HÄMMERLE are guaranteed to consist of realistic values ​​- that's what we stand for by our name! Our name is also a synonym for clarity and comprehensibility: our appraisals provide you with all relevant information at a glance. Of course, a review conducted by HÄMMERLE also includes a detailed listing of all inventoried items (inventory) as well as full photo documentation.

In order to be able to evaluate the different capital goods, we use data sets from several decades back. In combination with sound specialist knowledge and on the basis of continuation and liquidation values, we determine the relevant target values ​​for you. For liquidation values, we expect an orderly sale of goods, machinery and equipment within three to six months. Of course, taking into account the national and international industry-specific market situation. In this way HÄMMERLE is able to evaluate capital goods precisely and meaningfully.



What types of Appraisals does HÄMMERLE offer?

The valuation of industrial and industrial fixed assets and current assets is one of our core competencies. We have already created thousands of individual reports in market leadership. And also the evaluation for large processes and orders is part of our daily work.

The value determination by HÄMMERLE takes place exclusively with the involvement of different experts. In this way we can achieve the best result for you. In detail, our evaluation consists of the following services:


    Inventory, valuation and the preparation of reports of commercial and industrial current and fixed assets
    Desktop reviews - for a cost-effective and very fast valuation
    Plausibility check - Data and information are checked closely
    Performance analysis - the residual value at a future time is accurately determined


Who is HÄMMERLE supporting with Appraisals?

Especially leasing companies, banks, insolvency administrators and M & A advisers have been relying on HÄMMERLE's expertise for decades. But not only these, but also large, medium-sized and small companies benefit from our expert opinions and industrial auctions which we carry out for the following sectors, among others:

metalworking woodworking plastics processing building agricultural other industries

Leasing companies & credit institutions
  • Creation of fair market reports
  • Expert appraisals on site or online
  • Safeguarding and storage of collateral goods
  • Inventory analyses and continuous appraisals
  • Professional realisation via live or online auctions
Insolvency administrators & restructuring advisers
  • Quick inventory of moveable capital assets
  • Creation of fair market reports
  • Clarification of foreign and third party rights
  • International realisation activities via public live or online auctions
  • Clearance and closure of locations
  • Data backup and data deletion
Companies and Private Clients
  • Inventory, assessment, photo documentation
  • Valuation considering scrap and continuation value
  • Marketing of capital assets no longer required, with optimal realisation results
  • Processing of business, location or plant closures.
  • Purchase of company assets with repurchase option

If you also want to use machines, technical equipment or an entire company and no evaluation of your operating assets has yet been made, please contact us. We advise you personally and are always at your side with help and advice. Before we take care of the report, we will gladly explain the exact procedure to you in a personal conversation. We work very professionally and protect your data. Convince yourself of our services!


Contact us



All Services:

purchase Inventory analyses Company Succession Company disposals M & A processes Valuation Insolvency Services Safeguarding Clearance Company closures

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