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An appraisal of operational fixed and current assets is required in order to liquidate assets, machinery, goods and entire enterprises. Such a complex task should be left to experts. This is precisely where Hämmerle comes into play – THE specialist for the appraisal of operational assets and marketing of machinery and goods.
Hämmerle is a competent partner whose expertise you can always rely on. We not only work with financial institutions, but also with leasing companies, insolvency administrators and restructuring consultants. We look back on a company history spanning many decades. From our very first orders, we have continually developed ourselves and our competences so that we are presently one of the leading providers in this field.
Expert reports by Hämmerle are guaranteed to state realistic values – that’s what our name stands for! Furthermore, our name is also synonymous with clarity and transparency: Our expert reports provide all required information at a glance. Of course, an appraisal by Hämmerle also incorporates a detailed listing of all inventory items as well as photo documentation.
We rely on datasets dating back several decades in order to appraise various investment goods. We determine relevant target values for you in combination with well-founded expert knowledge based on continuation and liquidation values. For liquidation values, we assume an orderly sale of goods, machinery and assets within three to six months while naturally taking national and international industry sector-specific market situations into account. Hämmerle is thereby able to precisely appraise investment goods in a meaningful manner.
Die Bewertung von gewerblichem und industriellem Anlage- und Umlaufvermögen gehört zu unseren Kernkompetenzen. Wir haben bereits tausende Einzelgutachten marktführend erstellt. Und auch die Bewertung für Großverfahren und –Aufträge gehört zu unserer täglichen Arbeit.
Die Wertfindung durch Hämmerle erfolgt ausschließlich unter Einbezug von verschiedenen Bewertungsspezialisten. Auf diese Weise können wir das beste Ergebnis für Sie erreichen. Im Einzelnen besteht unsere Bewertung aus den folgenden Leistungen:
First and foremost, leasing companies, banks, insolvency administrators and M&A consultants rely on the expertise of Hämmerle. Yet not only these, but also small, medium-sized and large-scale enterprises benefit from our inventory and appraisal.
Please contact us if you want to liquidate machinery, assets or an entire enterprise and have not yet obtained an appraisal of your operational assets. We advise you personally and will always support you in word and deed. We are happy to explain the exact procedure in a personal meeting before we get started on the expert report. We work in a highly professional manner and always protect your data. Let us convince you of our high-quality services!
All Services:
purchase Inventory analyses Company Succession Company disposals M & A processes Valuation Insolvency Services Safeguarding Clearance Company closures