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Business, location and plant closures - Hämmerle is the right choice!

The economy is constantly changing. This can have both a positive and a negative effect on your company. If the lows overshadow the highs, changes to operations are a necessity. These changes may include downsizing, or closing certain departments. In the worst case scenario, your company is no longer competitive, and must shut down completely. If that is the case, your assets must be appraised, recovered and moved. Which is where we come in.



Professional business, location and plant closures by Hämmerle

We represent the peak of professionalism and experience. We are the experts when it comes to plant closures. From estimating the value of your systems right up to sales, our team is there to help and advise you as you get things done. Our long years of experience and comprehensive expertise means we can estimate, even at short notice, fair and realistic market values for your goods. For the past 30 years we have been evaluating and selling, among others, in the following sectors:


metalworking woodworking plastics processing building agricultural other industries


Live auction after location closure

If your business is closing, you can generally select one of two options for selling your systems. A live auction, for example, can take place at the headquarters of your former company. Of course, this can be painful for a dedicated entrepreneur, but it does mean that machines, vehicles, etc. do not have to be transported and stored before the auction. Of course, this is not to imply that we would not have enough storage space for your goods if required.



Online auction after plant closure

The second option for auction after closing a business is an online auction on one of Germany’s most modern sales platforms. This is usually carried out similarly to a live auction. However, all relevant information is posted online.

During the course of the auction, the tendered bids become visible, which in turn increases the required minimum bid for entering the auction. The highest bidder is awarded the lot as soon as the auction comes to an end. However, there is also the option of a post-bid period (120 seconds). This is activated if a bidder enters a winning bid shortly before the end of the regular bidding period. If no further bids are entered in this 120 seconds, it is this bidder who wins the lot.





Business closure does not have to be complicated

Hämmerle operates across Germany, ie. we are never far from the plant that is closing, so we can react quickly and without complications. This is to your advantage, as your systems and machines will not depreciate in value between closing the business and auctioning them off.

Simply register free of charge and profit from our expertise and years of experience when it comes to shutting down businesses, locations and plants. Hämmerle is your strong partner for reliable appraisals and optimal marketing solutions! We don’t just develop tailored marketing campaigns, we also have a network of interested parties ready and waiting to purchase your goods. We contact them using the latest communication channels, so that you can be assured of quick implementation with fair market prices.



Seller or bidder, you can rely on Hämmerle

The good news: in the event that a location closes, it is the buyer, not you, who is responsible for disassembling the machines and systems. Assuming, of course, that the auction can take place on site.

If you are a buyer, you too can rely totally on our services. After all, not everyone has the necessary knowledge and tools required to take apart machinery, and so our buyers rely on the Hämmerle network to get the job done.





All Services:

purchase Inventory analyses Company Succession Company disposals M & A processes Valuation Insolvency Services Safeguarding Clearance Company closures

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